How Can I Select Seat in Vistara After Booking?

Do you complete your flight booking with Vistara, and the flight seat that you get is not suitable for you? Then don’t worry, you can easily select seat in Vistara or make changes to your seat after booking the flight ticket. This article is beneficial for you to follow all the steps that are mentioned, and they will assist you in resolving all the problems step by step. Also, don’t forget to read this article till the bottom.

Procedure to select a seat in Vistara after booking:-

Here are all the steps that you can easily use to make the seat selection in Vistara booking after reserving the airline, you must follow all the points that are mentioned for you:-

  • First of all, you have to go to the official site of the Vistara and then move to the My Trip option.
  • From the main menu that occurs on the homepage of the airline and, tap on that to open it.
  • Now, enter all the credentials that you may use or to access the account, like the booking ID number and the name to log in.
  • Then, you must scroll down the page, and there click on the reserving seat tab or start to modify the reservations.
  • After that, you are required to access the desired seat that you need to reserve.
  • Now, you are required to track all the instructions that appear to select the seat you want to reserve.
  • Make the reservation, confirm, and save that.
  • At last, you will receive the confirmation reservation of your seat message on your registered email address and contact number.

harges to select the seat in Vistara airline:-

There are some charges that you need to follow to select a seat in Vistara airline and below are the following points that mentioned:-

  • When you make any change in your ticket for value, then the charges are between $25 to $70.
  • The charges applied in a standard seat that you select are between $20 to $50.
  • For the flexi seat changes, the charges that you need to pay are $15 to $45.

Moreover, if you are not able to make changes to the flight ticket through online or there are any difficulties following the steps then to resolve all the issues, then here are the official contact numbers that you can use to connect with a real person directly and to get their number here are the steps:-

First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Vistara airline and, navigate to the Contact Us option, and start finding the official contact number. When you get the number +1(802) 209 2600, then begin dialing it, and you will directly get connected with services that provide all the instructions to follow. Now, provide all the details related to your booking and then request for the seat selection. At last, you will select your seat according to your preferences and confirm that.

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