How Long Does It Take to Get a Refund from Iberia Airlines?

You book a flight ticket to visit any destination, but due to some emergencies, you are unable to travel, you cancel the flight and then think about the refund. Iberia Airlines is one of the finest airlines, providing complimentary drinks and beverages, special facilities for disabled passengers, etc. If you find travel issues, you can also cancel the flight and apply for a refund. Suppose you do not have the complete information about get a refund from Iberia Airlines. You do need to worry; you must read the refund policies below and then follow the process. 

How Long It Takes to Get a Refund from Iberia Airlines

Generally, the time taken to get the refund from Iberia airlines will depend upon the route, destination of the flight, and mode of payments used at the time of booking. If you make the bookings by using any card, you will get the refund within 12 days; if you use any other way, you will get the refund within 15 days

Iberia Airlines Refund Policies

  • You receive a refund if you make the bookings from the official website of Iberia airlines and then cancel them within 24 hours. 
  • If you cancel the flight after the 24 hours free window, you need to pay the flight cancellation fee and apply for a refund. 
  • If you cancel the flight due to health issues, you must show the genuine documents and apply for a complete refund. 
  • You need to connect with them to cancel the flight and apply for a refund by booking through any official representatives of Iberia airlines. 
  • If any death happens in your family and you cancel the flight, you need to show the genuine documents, and you will get a refund from Iberia Airlines.

Iberia Airlines Cancelation Policy

  • According to the Iberia cancellation policy, if you cancel the flight within 24 hours, you do not need to pay the cancellation fee; after that time, you have to pay the cancellation fee. 
  • If Iberia airlines cancel your flight or cancel it due to health issues, you do not need to pay the flight cancellation fee. 
  • Cancelation fees are also applicable on the bookings, which are done using vouchers or offers. 

Different Ways to Apply for the Refund of Iberia Airlines

Via phone:  If you request a refund for the first time with Iberia airlines, then it is better to connect with the Iberia Airlines customer executive and get help. Representatives will also help you and provide you with information about solving your queries.

  • Dial this number  +34 900 111 500
  • Choose the comfortable language
  • Lastly, follow the instructions 
  • Press 1 for new bookings 
  • Press 2 for cancelation 
  • Press 3 to upgrade 
  • Press 4 for a refund 
  • Press 5 to connect with representatives 
  • Press 6 to go back 

Choose an option as the query and then connect with representatives. 

Via online: Sometimes, the call does not connect due to a busy line, so you can also use the online way. If you want to request an Iberia Airlines refund online, you need to follow the process below. 

  • Go to the website of Iberia airlines in your browser 
  • After this, you need to fill out the last name and bookings reference number in the given space 
  • Following this, select the reservation which you want to cancel 
  • Then click to modify bookings and open the cancel flight tab
  • Further, you must mention the reason for cancelling the flight and click the cancel option. 
  • Next, you must search for the refund application form and fill in the complete information. 
  • Lastly, you will get the mail on the registered mail id of cancelling the flight successfully. . 

By reading about it you will get information about the Iberia cancellation policy, and if you have any concerns, you can also connect with the representatives of Iberia airlines. 

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