When Can I Book Seats for Free Turkish Airlines?

You can select your seats within 26 hours of flight booking free of the seat. If you are looking for the Turkish airline seat selection, you can use the online or offline method. When you use both ways, you will be able to select your seat quickly. When choosing a seat, you must read the seat selection policy and select the seat according to your preference. 

How to Book Seats for Free Turkish Airlines Policy

When a passenger wants to make the seat selection free of cost, they want to read the Turkish airline seat selection policy, and they will get the information when they get a free seat. Here are some: 

  • Travellers can book seats for free at Turkish Airlines  26 hours of booking.
  • If the traveller books their seat after 26 hours of booking, they have to pay the charges, but it depends on the ticket type. 
  • If you book the flight under business class, you can select the seats within 355 days before the flight. 
  • If the passenger books the flight under economy class, they can select the seats but must pay the charges. 
  • When the passenger books the flight through the miles, they can select the seats before the flight departure. 
  • You can select the seats at check-in time without paying extra charges. 
  • If you do not select your seat, the airline representative will provide you with the seat according to the availability of the seats. 
  • If the traveller booked a flight ticket with Turkish Airlines, they could easily choose their preferred seats based on convenience. 
  • If you travel with your pet animals on the airline, you will not get an emergency exit or extra-legroom seats. 
  • If the passenger requires emergency exit seats, then it is needed then they should fluently speak English or Turkish. It is essential because passengers should understand any oral or written instructions that can help them in an unexpected event.

Turkish Airline Seat Selection Process

If the passenger wants to book seats for free Turkish Airlines, they can also use the online or offline method. Using these methods, they can select their seats as quickly as possible. To use these methods, you have to follow the process.

Select the Seat through Online Method: You can select the seat through the online method. To use the online mode, you have to follow some instructions. Follow the process given below: 

  • Open the official website of Turkish Airlines. 
  • Click on the manage booking option. 
  • Enter your six-digit reference code and your last name. 
  • Tap on the seat option and choose the seat according to your preference. 
  • You must pay the charges if you select your seat after 26 hours. 
  • Select the payment method according to your choice and pay the expenses. 
  • The airline will provide you the confirmation on your registered email id and text on a contact number. 

Select the Seat through Offline Method: If travellers need to select their seats, they can use the offline method. The offline mode means connecting with the representative on a phone call. To contact Turkish airlines, travellers should have the official contact number of the airline. They can find out on the website. When they get the contact number from the website, they have to dial the helpline number and connect with the live person on a phone call. Travellers can ask the live person to select the seat, and they will do it. 

How to contact Turkish Airlines?

If you require the  Turkish airline phone number to connect with someone on the airline regarding your inquiry. You have to follow the instructions to get the airline's phone number. Follow the process: 

  • Visit Turkish Airlines, 
  • You have to type contact on the search bar, and you will see the result. 
  • Select the contact number according to your query. 
  • Dial the helpline number-1-802-341-3430, 0850 333 2 538.
  • Pay attention to the IVR steps and connect with the representative on a phone call. 

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